Top Egypt Shore excursion 2 Days Giza and ‎Cairo full tours

Top Egypt Shore excursion to Giza Pyramids, Grand Egypt Museum, Sakkara. Also Cairo full day tour. From cruises at Alexandria or Port Said or Sokhna or Suez.

Shore Excursion from Sokhna ‎to quick Cairo and Giza tours

Shore Excursion from Sokhna with private guided day trip to Giza Pyramids, Grand Egypt Museum GEM and The Egyptian Museum and returning to Sokhna port.

Sharm quick trip to Pyramid of Giza and 2 Museums by flight

Sharm quick trip by RT flight to Cairo and Giza includes private guided day trip to Giza Pyramids, Grand Egypt Museum GEM and The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir.

Top 2 Days from Port Said shore excursion to ‎Giza and Cairo

Top 2 Days from Port Said shore excursion includes: 2 days to Giza Pyramids, Grand Museum, Sakkara and ‎to Cairo city before return back to your cruise ship.

Top Alexandria shore excursion 2 Days ‎Giza and Cairo tours

Top Alexandria shore excursion includes: 1 Day to Giza Pyramids, Grand Museum (NEW), Sakkara and Day 2 ‎Cairo city before returning to your cruise ship.

2 Day Alexandria quick trip to Cairo Giza ‎and Alexandria

2 Day Alexandria quick trip includes: 2 days Cairo and Giza and next day ‎an amazing tour of Alexandria before return to your cruise from Best shore excursion.

‎7 days top Egypt trips to Giza ‎Cairo Luxor with flights

7 days top Egypt trips includes: Cairo & Giza then flight to Luxor for 2 day trips with private guidance & return flights.

Sound and light show at Giza Pyramids

Have you ever wondered how life was thousands of years ago? This question and other similar thoughts inspired creators to accompany you for a short while to the past, by introducing the sound and light show. It is a magnificent show that brings creativity to life the rule of ancient Egyptians. The artists skillfully created […]

The Oasis Hotel Giza Desert Road

Oasis Hotel is combination of resort facilities, luxury rooms & suites. Few minutes drive to GEM ‎Museum & Giza Pyramids. Located at Alex highway desert road

4 days Best Cairo tours and Giza best tours with private guide

4 days Egypt tour package of highlights of Giza tours to Pyramids, Grand Egypt Museum and Sakkara. Next day to Cairo city tour.