Top Alexandria shore excursion 2 Days ‎Giza and Cairo tours

Top Alexandria shore excursion includes: 1 Day to Giza Pyramids, Grand Museum (NEW), Sakkara and Day 2 ‎Cairo city before returning to your cruise ship.

4 days Best Cairo tours and Giza best tours with private guide

4 days Egypt tour package of highlights of Giza tours to Pyramids, Grand Egypt Museum and Sakkara. Next day to Cairo city tour.

Cairo tour to Pharaonic village and Cairo tower with private guide

Cairo tour with private guide and car to pharaonic village for Pharaohs living day + Cairo Tower the by the Nile in special Cairo day tour.

Walking guided Cairo tour at old historical Gates and Muiz Street

walking tour in Cairo with your private tour guide among the very attractive and historical gates & streets full of scent of past centuries while walking on

Top Egypt Shore excursion 2 Days Giza and ‎Cairo full tours

Top Egypt Shore excursion to Giza Pyramids, Grand Egypt Museum, Sakkara. Also Cairo full day tour. From cruises at Alexandria or Port Said or Sokhna or Suez.

Shore Excursion from Sokhna ‎to quick Cairo and Giza tours

Shore Excursion from Sokhna with private guided day trip to Giza Pyramids, Grand Egypt Museum GEM and The Egyptian Museum and returning to Sokhna port.

‎14 days Egypt tours from Luxor ‎Nile ‎Cruise Cairo Hurghada

14 days Egypt tours from Luxor city ‎includes Nile Cruise, Flight to Cairo and Giza tours, flight to Hurghada 6 days holiday and private transfer to Luxor.

‎8 Days Egypt Best tour Cairo and Nile cruise from ‎Luxor

‎8 Days Egypt Best tour to Cairo & Giza trips, flight to Luxor for nile cruise tour package from ‎Luxor to Aswan by Round Trip flight and all private tours.

‎6‎ Days overland Egypt tour ‎package ‎Cairo Aswan Luxor by fight

‎6 Days overland Egypt tour package to tour ‎Cairo, Giza, flight to Aswan and visit Edfu Kom Ombo and highlight of Luxor best tours and return Cairo by flight

‎8 Days Best Egypt tours Cairo ‎and Nile ‎Cruise from Aswan

‎8 Days Best Egypt tours includes Cairo and Giza tours, flight to Aswan for 3 Nights nile cruise to Luxor then flight to Cairo.